Sunday, 19 July 2015


Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea
With the summer Dungeness Bird Observatory trustees meeting to attend this morning I had another chance to visit most of the sites in the Dunge recording area. On the way past there was little at Scotney Court GP and a pair of Egyptian Geese were the only birds of note on the Brett Pit. I was hoping that the White-winged Black Tern from yesterday may still be present on the ARC pit but unfortunately it had done an overnight bunk and was nowhere to be seen. On the pit however there were a smattering of waders which included a single Little Stint, Ruff and Dunlin as well as a couple of juvenile Little Ringed Plover. I didn't have much time before the meeting was due to start at the Obs so I couldn't find the Little Gull which had been around a while.
Common Restharrow
Wild Turnip
On the path from the car park at the ARC there were a number of flowers in full bloom which were attracting a vast number of insects. A new species for me was the Narrow-leaved Everlasting-pea which is the native relative of the Broad-leaved version. There was also an abundance of Common Restharrow and Wild Turnip. As there is little in the way of birds at the moment I thought I would bore you all with some flowers! Fingers crossed the birds will start to appear again soon and you can all go back to looking at pictures of things you like rather than boring plants!
Talking of boring things to most of the people who read my blog the next set of photos hopefully will inspire some of you to look at moths...below are some very rare moths in Britain which were all courtesy of the Dungeness Bird Obs moth trap.
Cynaeda dentalis
Sussex Emerald

Now you can't say that any of those moths are boring...surely. After the meeting it was the Observatory summer BBQ which was a good chance to have a natter and see some of the regulars which was really nice. After finding out that the cricket was a complete waste of time and had actually finished before I left the Obs I decided to go and have a quick look on the RSPB reserve for Climbing Corydalis but sadly I couldn't find it though I think I was probably looking in the wrong place! There were however literally hundreds of emerging Common Blue Damselflies from ones with cloudy wings through to fully coloured adults. It was an amazing spectacle to see so many damselflies all of which were trying to seek shelter from the wind. Another great day on the peninsula and confirms why it is one of my favourite places to bird.
Common Blue Damselfly

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